Komisi I DPR Gelar Fit and Proper Test Calon Panglima pada Senin Ini
SinPo.id - Komisi I DPR RI akan menyelenggarakan Uji Kelayakan dan Kepatutan (fit and proper test) visi dan misi Calon Panglima TNI dalam bentuk Rapat Dengar Pendapat Umum (RDPU) Senin 13 November 2023. Berkaitan dengan itu, Anggota Komisi I DPR RI Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi mengatakan RDPU terhadap calon tunggal panglima TNI yakni Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Darat (Kasad) Jenderal TNI Agus Subiyanto itu akan mendalami perihal kesiapan menghadapi Pemilu 2024 hingga persoalan Papua.
"Paling pertama adalah itu tadi, bagaimana kesiapan dalam menghadapi pemilu, dan tentu prioritas utama penanganan masalah di Papua, masalah keamanan di Papua," kata Bobby.
Usai fit and proper test, Komisi I juga akan melakukan rapat internal dan verifikasi faktual ke rumah Calon Panglima TNI di Cilangkap
Terkait isu Papua, Bobby menyebut pihaknya akan menekankan perihal pemenuhan formasi keamanan dan pertahanan di Tanah Papua dengan empat Daerah Otonom Baru (DOB) yang baru saja dimekarkan yaitu Papua Barat Daya, Papua Selatan, Papua Pegunungan, dan Papua Tengah.
"Kalau dulu kan ada Kodam, Kodam (Komando Daerah Militer) itu membawahi berapa. Nah, ini kan sekarang apakah Kodam itu akan dibentuk Kodim (Komando Distrik Militer), Kodim baru atau bagaimana formasi-nya?" ujar Politisi Fraksi Partai Golkar ini.
Sebab, kata dia, wilayah administrasi baru tentu memerlukan organisasi militer yang dapat menaungi kebutuhan di wilayah tersebut.
"Dengan adanya provinsi-provinsi yang baru. Nah, itu bagaimana pemenuhan formasi keamanan dan pertahanan di sana," tuturnya.
Terkait kedekatan Kasad Agus selaku calon Panglima TNI yang disinyalir memiliki kedekatan dengan Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi), dia menilai hal tersebut masih dalam batasan-batasan objektif.
Diketahui, Agus pernah bertugas sebagai Komandan Kodim (Dandim) 0735/Surakarta pada saat Jokowi menjadi Wali Kota Surakarta.
"Ya, tentu kami kalau di Komisi I harus objektif ya, tidak subjektif. Kalau namanya orang dekat itu maksudnya dekat apa? Keluarga? Bukan keluarga. Beliau sukunya saja beda. Lantas, misalkan, apa karena pernah bertugas? Yang lain juga pada banyak yang sudah pernah bertugas dekat," tuturnya.
Dia menyebut setelah uji kepatutan dan kelayakan diikuti oleh calon Panglima TNI, maka Komisi I DPR akan langsung melakukan rapat internal untuk memutuskan hasil uji kepatutan dan kelayakan tersebut.
"Kami akan rapat internal dan setelah diputuskan pada pukul 17.00 (WIB) akan dilakukan verifikasi faktual ke rumah yang bersangkutan di daerah Cilangkap," kata dia
Commission I DPR RI will hold a Fit and Proper Test (fit and proper test) on the vision and mission of Candidates for TNI Commander in Chief in the form of a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) Monday 13 November 2023. In this regard, Member of Commission I DPR RI Bobby Adhityo Rizaldi said RDPU towards the sole candidate for TNI commander, namely the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (Kasad) General TNI Agus Subiyanto, he will explore matters regarding readiness to face the 2024 elections and the issue of Papua.
"The first thing is that, how are you prepared to face the elections, and of course the main priority is handling problems in Papua, security problems in Papua," said Bobby.
After the fit and proper test, Commission I will also hold an internal meeting and factual verification at the home of the prospective TNI Commander in Chief in Cilangkap
Regarding the Papua issue, Bobby said that his party would emphasize the fulfillment of security and defense formations in the Land of Papua with the four New Autonomous Regions (DOB) that had just been expanded, namely Southwest Papua, South Papua, Mountainous Papua and Central Papua.
"In the past, there was a Kodam, how many Kodam (Military Regional Commands) were in charge of it. So, now will the Kodam be formed by a Kodim (Military District Command), a new Kodim or what will the formation be?" said this politician from the Golkar Party faction.
Because, he said, a new administrative region certainly requires a military organization that can cover the needs of that region.
"With the new provinces, that's how security and defense formations will be fulfilled there," he said.
Regarding the closeness of Kasad Agus as a candidate for Commander in Chief of the TNI who is alleged to be close to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), he believes that this is still within objective limits.
It is known that Agus served as Commander of Kodim (Dandim) 0735/Surakarta when Jokowi was Mayor of Surakarta.
"Yes, of course we at Commission I have to be objective, not subjective. What do you mean by close people? What do you mean by close? Family? Not family. He's just from a different tribe. So, for example, is it because he has served? Many of the others also I've worked closely," he said.
He said that after the fit and proper test was completed by the candidate for TNI Commander in Chief, Commission I of the DPR would immediately hold an internal meeting to decide on the results of the fit and proper test.
"We will have an internal meeting and after it is decided at 17.00 (WIB) a factual verification will be carried out at the house concerned in the Cilangkap area," he said