5,1 Juta Wisatawan Mancanegara Kunjungi Indonesia hingga Juni 2023
SinPo.id - Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/Kepala Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno mengatakan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) menunjukkan angka kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) terus meningkat. Pernyataan itu disampaikan dalam "The Weekly Brief With Sandi Uno" yang berlangsung secara hybrid, Senin 7 Agustus 2023.
"Data BPS untuk Juni 2023 kunjungan wisman kebangkitannya sangat strong.Month to month dari kenaikan mancanegara ini signifikan, year on year juga naik signifikan," ujar Menparekraf Sandiaga. Memasuki Juni 2023 terhitung kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara mencapai 1,062 juta kunjungan dan secara kumulatif kunjungan wisman dari Januari – Juni 2023 mencapai 5.189.433 kunjungan.
Jumlah ini naik 11,44 persen dengan perbandingan Month to Month (Mei 2023) dan year on year naik 119,64 persen dibanding Juni 2022. Jumlah kunjungan wisman semester I tahun ini setara dengan 88,12 persen dari total kunjungan wisman sepanjang 2022 atau meningkat sebesar 250,33 persen dibandingkan semester I tahun 2022. Sementara jika dibandingkan dengan target kunjungan wisman tahun 2023, nilai ini setara dengan 86,49 persen target batas bawah (6 juta) atau 61,05 persen target batas atas (8,5 juta). "Jadi ini patut kita syukuri," ujar Sandiaga. Berdasarkan negara asal wisman pada Juni 2023, Singapura menempati urutan pertama dengan persentase sebesar 16,41 persen, Malaysia sebesar 15,88 persen, Australia sebesar 12,47 persen, India 6,48 persen, dan Tiongkok 5,88 persen. "Jadi sekali lagi jumlah ini patut kita syukuri dan kami bisa memberikan proyeksi bahwa tahun ini jika semuanya berjalan sesuai dengan rencana maka target atas 8,5 juta akan terlampaui secara signifikan. Angka proyeksinya sekitar 15 sampai 20 persen," ujar Sandiaga.
Meski kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara meningkat, perjalanan wisatawan nusantara hingga Juni 2023 tercatat baru 433,57 juta. Provinsi di Pulau Jawa masih mendominasi perjalanan wisnus baik berdasarkan provinsi asal maupun tujuan. Lima provinsi tujuan yang menyumbang perjalanan wisnus terbesar adalah Jawa Timur 26,92 persen, Jawa Barat 17,40 persen, Jawa Tengah 14,55 persen, DKI Jakarta 6,94 persen, dan Banten 4,80 persen dari target 1,2-1,4 miliar pergerakan. "Kami ingin wisatawan nusantara ini menjadi fokus karena kita memiliki keunggulan dari desa-desa wisata dan destinasi super prioritas. Ini harus kita arahkan untuk program pariwisata berkualitas dan berkelanjutan yang ditopang oleh pergerakan wisatawan nusantara," ujar Menparekraf Sandiaga.
Kemenparekraf akan terus melakukan berbagai program termasuk kolaboraksi promosi dengan online travel agent juga dengan Indonesia 360 yaitu kerja sama dengan mitra, influencer, pelaku industri, media, juga travel agent. "Kami mendorong pemerintah daerah lebih aktif mempromosikan dan menciptakan event dan kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya untuk pemasaran pariwisata Indonesia yang kita lakukan secara all out. Kami juga mendorong kerja sama yang lebih terintegrasi dengan konsep bangga berwisata di Indonesia," ujar Sandiaga.
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Menparekraf/Kabaparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) showed the number of foreign tourist arrivals continued to increase. This statement was made in "The Weekly Brief With Sandi Uno" which took place in a hybrid manner, Monday 7 August 2023.
"BPS data for June 2023 the rise of foreign tourist visits is very strong. Month to month the increase in foreign tourists is significant, year on year has also increased significantly," said Menparekraf Sandiaga. Entering June 2023, foreign tourist arrivals reached 1.062 million visits and cumulatively foreign tourist visits from January to June 2023 reached 5,189,433 visits.
This number has increased by 11.44 percent compared to Month to Month (May 2023) and year on year, up 119.64 percent compared to June 2022. The number of foreign tourist visits in the first half of this year is equivalent to 88.12 percent of the total foreign tourist arrivals throughout 2022 or an increase by 250.33 percent compared to semester I of 2022. Meanwhile, when compared to the target of foreign tourists visiting in 2023, this value is equivalent to 86.49 percent of the lower limit target (6 million) or 61.05 percent of the upper limit target (8.5 million). . "So we should be grateful," said Sandiaga. Based on the country of origin of foreign tourists in June 2023, Singapore ranks first with a percentage of 16.41 percent, Malaysia with 15.88 percent, Australia with 12.47 percent, India with 6.48 percent and China with 5.88 percent. "So once again we should be grateful for this number and we can provide a projection that this year if everything goes according to plan then the target of 8.5 million will be exceeded significantly. The projected figure is around 15 to 20 percent," said Sandiaga.
Even though foreign tourist arrivals have increased, domestic tourist trips until June 2023 were recorded at only 433.57 million. Provinces on the island of Java still dominate the trips of domestic tourists, both based on the province of origin and destination. The five destination provinces that contributed the largest number of domestic tourists' trips were East Java 26.92 percent, West Java 17.40 percent, Central Java 14.55 percent, DKI Jakarta 6.94 percent, and Banten 4.80 percent of the 1.2-1 target. .4 billion moves. "We want these domestic tourists to be the focus because we have the advantages of tourist villages and super priority destinations. We must direct this to quality and sustainable tourism programs that are supported by the movement of domestic tourists," said Menparekraf Sandiaga.
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will continue to carry out various programs including promotional collaborations with online travel agents as well as with Indonesia 360, namely collaboration with partners, influencers, industry players, the media, as well as travel agents. "We encourage local governments to be more active in promoting and creating events and other activities for Indonesian tourism marketing which we do all out. We also encourage cooperation that is more integrated with the concept of being proud of traveling in Indonesia," said Sandiaga.